Friday, February 7, 2014

Raking Chips at Schroeder

February 2, 2014

After taking pictures of the mess at The Rocks and picking up several grocery bags of litter there, I went on to Schroeder dog park, finding a park ranger emptying trash cans from inside the big pen.  He allowed me to add my bags to a bag in his cart, and I moved on to look for litter inside the pens, this not being weeding season yet. 

It’s nice that Schroeder has two dog pens, one for big dogs and one for small.  Little dogs tend to be aggressive, and it is best to keep them separated from big dogs that can kill them with one shake.  It also allows one to take a larger aggressive dog in the small dog pen if no small dogs are around.

I think that weeding classes are going to be from March-October only; there’s too little action in February, even with some things blooming earlier than I’ve ever seen them.   I took my signs down a few weeks ago because of schedule changes and because they need a better font.  I’ll put up new ones before March.

I found a few butts and dog piles.  It was Super Bowl Sunday, and nobody else was there.  I picked up a bit around the parking lot and up the road, and policed the new playground.  

Schroeder Park's new playground, next to the dog park, before raking.  Someone left a sweater draped over the bench; I left it as well.

The fresh wood chips had been heaped deep around the equipment and in the open space by kids playing, and I decided to rake them flat.  A couple of boys came by on bikes and played on the equipment, escaping zombies, while I raked around them.  By the time I finished around the equipment, I decided that the other half could wait until next week.  It was time to move on.

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