Saturday, February 8, 2014

Cleaning the Block nigh the Bridges

Monday, February 3, 2014

I got out at first light with my tunic and walked my dog-walking route in reverse, cleaning it up, and then got ready for meeting and work.

I go to Rogue Valley Networking Toastmasters meetings nearly every Monday from 10:30-11:30 AM, speaking and listening to others speak about business and life.  We take different roles each week; this week, I was Toastmaster, directing the meeting.  Anyone may drop in to the Board Room at the Guild Building on Mondays that aren’t holidays to sit in on a meeting; after three visits, you are eligible to join, if you are old enough.

I highly recommend Toastmasters to anyone who wants to learn to speak more confidently and listen more closely to people in business and government.  Ironically, I’m doing a lot less speaking than I used to at public meetings these days .  Like the song says, “The less I say the more my work gets done.”*

Between the meeting and getting lunch, I didn’t get to work again until about 1:00.  Intersections are the worst; I parked first in Ewing’s parking lot and started on the Southwest corner of 6th and Bridge, working up Bridge a little ways and down 6th a good half-block.  I proceeded to the Northwest corner in front of 7-11, but didn’t go far either direction from the corner.  The block beckoned.

I’d gathered maybe half a bucket by that time, mostly butts and some broken glass.  It didn’t take long to fill it along Bridge Street in the landscaping.  That’s where the larger litter gathers; among shrubs, grass, and bits of weediness.  I moved my truck to the other side of the street, got a fresh bag and continued along Bridge, cleaning the landscaping and roadside.  This business is between a convenience store and a gas station on a major walking route; it gets hit hard.

The same goes for the 6th and 7th Street sides, with people heading to and from the bridge, Riverside Park, and points beyond.  I filled two bags along Bridge, and another halfway down the 7th Street side, cutting back through the parking lot to put the last in my truck.  Then I proceeded down the 6th Street side to Voorhies, moving the truck further down once and filling another bag along the way.  I moved the truck to the other side of 7th Street in a restaurant parking lot; picked up on my way out; worked east on Voorhies, filling part of a bag, and then north on 7th to the driveway where I’d stopped earlier, finishing that bag and part of one, having to cross to my truck each time I filled a bag and got a fresh one. 

It was getting late and a bit chilly.  I decided to work up to the corner again; cross east; and work south on the other side of 7th to my truck.  The hedges there are full of trash, very handy to hide stuff in. 

I met some guys walking the other direction as I filled up my bucket and handed one a leaflet; one said that I’d taken on a big job.  He was right; I filled my bucket long before finishing that hedge and quick-walked to the truck.  The rest must wait for next Sunday.

I drove to the Courier parking lot; deposited two bags in the can; picked up another half-bag in their lot; and took the rest down to the Downtown Visitors Center trash cans, two in one and two in another, before picking up around the Center and dropping it in a can.  I must say that the area around the Center has been much cleaner these days; there wasn't much to pick up.

*Elton John, Philadelphia Freedom

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